
People & Planet University League 2020

People & Planet (compiled by student campaigning organisation People & Planet, the University League) is an independent ranking of UK universities on their environmental and ethical performance.

Here at London Metropolitan University we are working on the following sections:

  1. Environmental Policy and Strategy
  2. Managing Carbon
  3. Sustainable Food
  4. Staff and HR
  5. Workers’ Rights
  6. Staff and Student Engagement
  7. Education for Sustainable Development
  8. Energy Sources
  9. Waste and recycling
  10. Carbon reduction
  11. Water reduction
A female student sitting reading a book




Human resources for sustainability

  1. Sustainability is included within the portfolio of responsibilities of one member of the University's senior management team.
  2. All staff working in dedicated sustainability roles are listed on the University's sustainability page. 
  3. All new staff are provided with HR Induction to Sustainability as well as additional Sustainability section is included in Handbook for teaching, research and professorial staff and Section 8 on Sustainability can be viewed here - Section 8 in Handbook for teaching, research and professorial staff . These both documents are available for all staff in Staff Zone. 
  4. We are committed to increasing our sustainability resources. We support summer internship/volunteering opportunities for students to engage with sustainability.
  5. In order to improve the University's environmental performance, staff are encouraged to get involved in our  staff engagement scheme.

Auditing and management systems

1. Waste management: We have increased our recycling rates by introducing new bins and performing a variety of waste audits around campus. In 2022 Reconomy group were appointed as our new waste management provider for all campuses. Following the change in waste management company we have seen an overall increase in our recycling rate, along with accurate and timely data.

Waste reports are provided to our Estates department on a monthly basis and highlight any recycling issues experienced in the preceding month, means of mitigating further issues and allows us to analyse our waste data on a regular basis.  

2. Travel and transport :Our latest travel survey was completed May 2018. We undertook a travel survey from March 2018 to the end of April 2018. For more details, please take a look at our survey findings: 

Our next survey is due to take place in 2023. 

3. Sustainable procurement: We implemented Sustainability into our Procurement Policy in 2016, which was reported on and reviewed annually. Last review took place in 2022 and is due to be reviewed in 2023.

Sections 4 and 5 of the Procurement Policy relate to sustainable procurement. 

4. Energy: We have undertaken an energy audit as a part of our previous . Following these audits we have set energy reduction targets as part of our new Carbon and Environment Management Plan which can be found on pages 16 and 17 of our Estates Strategy.

5. Water: Our most recent full Water Efficiency Audit Report was completed by Thames Water in 2014. We have since held training on water efficiency with internal staff and reviewed our water supply company in 2018 and again in 2022/23. 

6. Construction and refurbishment: London Metropolitan University undertakes Ska assessments during refurbishment works with a target level of silver set: Ska Rating Assessment Example 

For larger scale refurbishments and new-build projects,  is used. See a previous Sustainable Design and Construction Statement (which is an assessment of the buildings and the improvements that will be made during construction). 

Sustainable Construction and Refurbishment Policy 

7. Emissions and discharges: 

London Metropolitan University undertakes TM44 audits to inspect air conditioning systems to ensure that emissions are minimised, and refrigerant top ups are reported on through the Carbon Management Plan.

London Metropolitan University is not required to have any Consents to Discharge in place. 

8. Biodiversity

In both 2014 and 2016 we used a biodiversity index tool to audit our biodiversity at our Holloway campus. This tool provides an overview of our biodiversity and species. Please see the reports below for further information:

Read our Biodiversity Policy

Carbon management

  • The University's previous Carbon management plan  set out how the University was going to achieve a 50% reduction in carbon emissions from a 2009 baseline by 2020. New targets have been set to achieve further reductions through to 2030, see targets here 
  • In 2016/17 we successfully  reduced our carbon footprint by 66% from our 2009 baseline, meeting our 2020 target four years early. 

  • We are currently on track to meet our new carbon intensity target  of 38.11 kg CO2/m2 by 2025; a target which represents a further 10% reductions compared to a 2018/19 base year.

  • The University does not calculate any carbon emissions that are attributed from residential accommodation, as the University does not have any in-house or externally provided student accommodation. 

  • Scope 3 carbon emissions are now included in our new Carbon and Environment Management Plan.


Sustainable food

°¿³Ü°ù Sustainable and Ethical Food Policy sets out the University's intention to minimise the impact of its catering operations on the environment and to promote sustainable practices. 

Staff and student engagement 

London Metropolitan University commits to increasing staff and student engagement in sustainability issues by offering opportunities for active participation, as shown below. 

The University does not have any in-house or externally provided student accommodation, so all the events are focused on our campuses. 

Spotlight Months 

To focus our events, each month we will be running events based on a specific environmental theme. For example, December is Energy Month. This consistency throughout the activities and events will make it easier for students and staff to know what we're promoting and what message we're sending. 

Sustainability Events 

All our current events are listed on our main sustainability website. 

We will keep a record of how many participants attend each event so we can set targets for improvement. 

Green Week 

Every year we look to run a Green Week to promote sustainability at the University and in the wider community, whilst this has proved a little challenging over recent years following the pandemic we are looking to reinstate Green Week for 2023. 

We commit to increasing our Green Week offer and to promoting inclusive opportunities for engagement.  

Staff Induction 

A description of what the University is doing in terms of sustainability and how new members of staff can get involved is available on the HR Induction to Sustainability â¶Ä¯s±ô¾±»å±ð²õ. 

Green Impact 

Green Impact staff teams 

We commit to taking part in the annual  for staff. 

We have previously aimed to recruit at least 10 Green Impact teams, however have not always been successful in this. We hope to see engagement increase with the return of awards held on campus for teams in 2023/24 

Student Auditors 

We will campaign to increase the number of Student Auditors taking part in the Green Impact scheme for staff. We will aim to recruit at least 10 students next academic year.  

³§±ð±ð: Green Impact Communications Strategy 

Sustainability Events Feedback  

We have designed a questionnaire to gather feedback from both students and staff on our sustainability events. We hope to analyse an utilise this feedback to to shape and improve future events.  

³§±ð±ð: Sustainability events feedback form 

Students' Union  

  • We will support the Students' Union Green Impact whenever possible 
  • We will support and promote sustainability-related societies 
  • We will encourage and support the development and implementation of student-led sustainability projects 

Trade Unions  

We will invite the Trade Unions to set up their own Green Impact team. 

Competitions for every spotlight month  

We will engage students and staff through sustainability-related competitions, quizzes and questionnaires. They will learn more about sustainability initiatives and receive prizes for engaging in sustainability activities. 

Volunteering and Training  

We will promote green volunteering opportunities to students and staff in our monthly newsletter and we commit to generating opportunities inside the University context.  

As mentioned above, we continue  to recruit and train a number of students to take part in the Green Impact scheme. In 2023 we had 4 students successfully undertake environmental auditor training as part of the Green Impact programme. 

Research and Recognition 

We commit to supporting and recognising sustainability research and projects carried out by students and/or staff. 

We provide a three-week dietetics placement for student research or a project at the end of each academic year, usually in June 

Campaign Engagement 

We will engage students through a joint campaign with the Students' Union, which seeks to: 

  • Implement education for sustainable development in the academic curriculum 
  • Raise awareness about us being a Fairtrade University 
  • Raise awareness of environmental issues within the University and wider contexts 

Green projects created from the sustainability budget 

  • Green Week 
  • Green Impact 


Staff and student engagement

London Metropolitan University commits to increasing staff and student engagement in sustainability issues by offering opportunities for active participation, as shown below.

The University does not have any in-house or externally provided student accommodation, so all the events are focused on our campuses.

Spotlight months

To focus our events, each month we will be running events based on a specific environmental theme. For example, December is Energy Month. This consistency throughout the activities and events will make it easier for students and staff to know what we're promoting and what message we're sending.

Minimum events per month

We commit to presenting at least three events per month.

All our current events are listed on our main sustainability website.

Minimum participation numbers for each event based on previous experience

We will keep a record of how many participants attend each event so we can set targets for improvement.

Green Week

Every year we run a Green Week to promote sustainability at the University and in the wider community. 

We commit to increasing our Green Week offer and to promoting inclusive opportunities for engagement. 

Staff induction

A description of what the University is doing in terms of sustainability and how new members of staff can get involved is available on the HR Induction to Sustainability  slides.

Minimum amount of Green Impact staff teams

We commit to taking part in the annual for staff.

We aim to recruit at least 10 Green Impact teams. 

See: Green Impact Communications Strategy

Minimum amount of Student Auditors

We will campaign to increase the number of Student Auditors taking part in the Green Impact scheme for staff. We will aim to recruit at least 10 students next academic year. 

Sustainability events feedback form 

We have designed a questionnaire about our events and we hope that we can improve them based on student and staff feedback. 

See: Sustainability events feedback form

Working with the Students' Union 

  • We will support the Students' Union Green Impact whenever possible.
  • We will support and promote sustainability-related societies.
  • We will encourage and support the development and implementation of student-led sustainability projects.
  • Read the  on green recognition from our Student Union.

Working with Trade Unions 

We will invite the Trade Unions to set up their own Green Impact team.

Competitions for every spotlight month 

We will engage students and staff through sustainability-related competitions, quizzes and questionnaires. They will learn more about sustainability initiatives and receive prizes for engaging in sustainability activities.

Volunteering, training opportunities and work experience

We will promote green volunteering opportunities to students and staff in our monthly newsletter and we commit to generating opportunities inside the University context. 

As mentioned above, this year we are aiming to recruit and train 10 students to take part in the Green Impact scheme. 

We also offer a part-time paid internship as a Sustainability Intern over a three month period in summer.

Research recognition, support and/or prizes

We commit to supporting and recognising sustainability research and projects carried out by students and/or staff.

We provide a three-week dietetics placement for student research or a project at the beginning of each academic year. 

Monthly newsletter

We send a newsletter to students and staff to inform them about latest sustainability news at the University. 

Sign up to our .

Campaign engagement

We will engage students through a joint campaign with the Students' Union, which seeks to:

  • implement education for sustainable development in the academic curriculum
  • raise awareness about us being a Fairtrade University
  • raise awareness of environmental issues within the University and wider contexts

Green projects created from the sustainability buget

  • Green Week
  • Green Impact