London Met researcher, Siân Moxon is set to talk at an online climate event.
Date: 22 June 2022
The National Centre for Academic and Cultural Exchange (NCACE) is hosting
Siân Moxon, London Met’s Senior Lecturer and Sustainability Coordinator at the School of Art, Architecture and Design will be speaking with Andrew Bedford, Islington Council’s Head of Greenspace and Leisure, about their collaboration through The London Met Lab: Empowering London initiative.
The initiative is part of London Metropolitan University’s mission to deliver social justice by collaborating with partners on six critical challenges facing the capital. As part of the university’s role as an anchor institution for Islington Council, expert academic and professional-service staff contribute to the council’s environment steering group, developing projects to ‘rewild’ public spaces under the Islington Greener Together campaign, alongside common strategies for achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2030. Outcomes so far include developing a pilot rewilding scheme to concept stage for Islington’s largest public park, Highbury Fields, drawing on Siân’s research into urban rewilding and award-winning campaign.
The event aims to create space for conversations around cultural collaborations on climate emergency, climate justice and related arising themes and concerns. Representatives from Higher Education, arts and cultural stakeholders, local authorities, and community partnerships will explore how these climate issues have emerged, and what their impacts are and the role that policy, funding initiatives and other factors are playing, or have the potential to play, in their development.
Attending the event will be representatives from the Global Systems Institute, the University of Glasgow, Newcastle University, the University of the West of England, Middlesex University, Arts Council England, and more. There will be a showcase of a diverse range of research projects and creative collaborations from around the country and beyond, encouraging dialogue, discussion and information-sharing between researchers and others working in Higher Education, arts and cultural practitioners, policy-makers and funders on this most timely and important of topics.
NCACE is an initiative led by TCCE and funded by Research England to facilitate and support capacity for Knowledge Exchange between Higher Education and the arts and cultural sector across the UK, with a particular focus on evidencing and showcasing the social, cultural, environmental, as well as economic, impacts of such activities.
The event is on 23 June 2022 at 10am until 4pm BST.
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